Sweetest Goodbye

"saying goodbye its hard. Its really hard, but sometimes you gotta learn to walk away, walking away might leave an empty space but with empty spaces there is more room for creativity"

you decided to push me around

turned me into no one

I cried myself to sleep

kept quiet after every hit

but who are you to make me feel

the way I do?

you broke a part of me

and I tried to put it back together

but I'll never be the same

I was nothing but a little girl

you made me scared of a world

that was supposed to be mine

now here we are

look at me

this is what you did

Im your sick work of art

you couldnt bother to draw a smile

got tired of singing

to your twisted synphony

made me feel special

thought you believed in me

then you closed all your doors

left me all alone

with paper and pen

to try and forget

I became a torture toy

girls, teachers, they all looked away

so thank them

cuz nobody knows

your secret is safe

I remember them clearly

the ones who saw everything

yet said nothing

haven't told a soul.

just look away

nothing special about you anyway

nothing but a soon to be used to be

a trophy wife

with an emptey house and a hollow heart

a husband who cheats

with a youger version of

who you thought you were

then someone came along

showed me a bigger world

I got pushed in the arms of the sky

and the warmth of arts

then he broke me again

but I had learned

I've been keeping count

his broken promises,

all those "special" moments.

all the lies

the "stay quiet" screams

they dont mean a thing

you'll keep your glass full with cheap wine

and your husband has no eyes for you

and he'll stay awake every night

wondering the reasons why

and my voice is louder than ever

screaming from the top of the bottom

being the hope of the hollow

proudly wearing scars

gather up all my courage

kissing your bullying goodbye

I made it through

time heals almost everything

darling dont you know?

you were my sweetest goodbye

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