I Hate You

I hate you.

3 cinical words

do you know them?

have you heard them?

well here they go:

I hate you.

I hate your hair.

I hate your favorite color.

I hate your songs & those wise words of yours.

I hate you.

I dont like your opinions

sometimes you get that stick up your ass

I hate that stick.

I hate your laugh & that crooked smile of yours.

I hate the air you breath.

I hate the endings of your stories & the punchlines of your jokes.

I hate your hands.

I hate you.

I hate the way that you cry

I hate the apple of your pie

I also hate the pie.

& I, I liked you

now I, yeah I,

I hate you.

& I hate this girl

sitting on the couch

tangled in her books

trying to ignore the thoughts of you.

& I hate that boy

that cried to me

he lied to me

I hate us.

remember that?


who could forget?

"I love us"

wasnt that perfect?

now Im sitting here

hating you.

I hate you

I hate your handsI hate your eyes

I hate your lies.

the tears you cried.

I hate it all.

I hate you

for making me love you

I hate you like I love you

so close, so far apart.

back off, so we can go back to the start.

or dont.

I hate you.

I hate you.

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