I Swear It's True (poem against suicide)

the only one who doesnt see the stars in your eyes

is the face in the mirror that looks back at you

and you might not see the light but I do

I swear its true

five minutes with you were enchanting

dont take away your precious life

cuz I believe in the stars that are shining

and they are lighting the sky for you

I swear its true

and I can see God almighty smiling

cuz you are alive tonight

and I'm smiling too

cuz you made me laugh

I swear its true

writing about someone across the world

might seem scary or weird some may say

but I know a good soul when I feel it

and it be the a big loss

the earth will cry for days

I swear its true

you called me pretty and I smiled

no one had done that in a while

I'll take care of you like old friends do

I swear its true

you gotta be alive and I'll be here for you

just one more night say everyday

somehow you will make it through

I swear its true (:

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