
Once I read this really pretty quote that said: ACCEPTANCE IS LOOKING WITH YOUR HEART ♥ AND NOT WITH YOUR EYES..
I think whoever said that was probably right. We should really start ignoring what our eyes say to our mind and listening to what the heart has got to say. In my expirience people who don't accept other people, turn into bullies, and most rational people, or irational fot that matter, don't like bullies. I don't think it is really worth to miss out on having a great friends just because you don't like their shoes... I know sometimes it is all about appearance but, why live in a world like that? If we learn to accept people as they are, we won't be afraid of being who we are... it is not that hard just get your feet to the ground and love everyone around!

"mujer de mi vida...niña de mis ojos...
tengo esperanza en que me des esperanza....
se que nunca fallas...."

1 comentario:

  1. true! y no solo con los amigos, tambien con nuestros hermanos, familiares, incluso nuestros padres. Tenemos q aceptarlos y amarlos tal y como son:)
