I always thought of love as something great
I guess this is something else
I always wanted a fairy tale
Aurora's dream
Cindirella's shoes
Snow White's skin
A kiss that makes my head spin
you can't give me that
which, by the way, makes me sad
you have no sweetness
but you got a passion I can't resist
you are never gentle
but your strong personality,
always gets to me
you wouldn't sweep my feet of the ground
you take me by the hand
and drag me headfirst
falling head over heels
it's so tragic
but I'm so in it
I can't help it
you really blow me away
even though
you are absoulutly
not what I hoped for...

hope you enjoyed it! :)
"mujer de mi vida...niña de mis ojos...
tengo esperanza en que me des esperanza...
se que nunca fallas"

love... always...

2 comentarios:

    i love how it is so original, so much diferent than what you hear everyday. no more oh yeah its a fairy tale woohoo. no that stuff doesn't happen and i love that this address that.
    you are going to be famous!

  2. that´s how love is... inesperado! great work, keep it on!
