you are beautiful..

"you are beautiful".... It would be amazing to hear those words every once in a while, I wonder if anyone has heard them exactly when they need it, I mean, what if that popular girl is all alone in a dark night and needs to hear it, does she remembers what that boy told her or does she knows it is just superficial? Or what about that girl who is always treated like crap at school and she's bullied by even her closest friends and she never hears them, especially when she is crying and no one can hear her? What about that boy who is different from everyone else, just trying to fit in, who plays the guitar and draws amazingly but no one ever notices it, and when he is locked up in his room with the music banging so loud it look like the windows are gonna break and the neighbors knock on his door but nobody can see he screaming? Or what about me... The weird girl, with a love for poetry, a weird smile, eyes filled with tears craving to hear those words? Who says it? When is it the right time to say it? Do they mean it? Is it real? Who knows.... I don't even know if anyone is reading this, but if you are I want to say you are beautiful. To everyone who is out there, yeah I'm talking to all of you; the ones who feel different, the ones who feel plain, common, happy, sad, trapped, scared, blessed, nervous, changed, brave, insane, crazy, normal, shy, outgoing, ugly all of you whatever you are feeling I believe you are beautiful.

I hope someone out there is reading this, I need to get it out, I would love to hear anything really, probably I'm crazy, and even though I don't believe I am beautiful, I believe you are... the believers, the nonbelievers, the ones who share, the ones who keep, the ones who hold all of you... you are beautiful inside and out.... I strongly believe so....

mujer de mi vida....niña de mis ojos...tengo esperanza en que me des que nunca falllas......


4 comentarios:

  1. you are beautiful too, thank you for brightening up my day.
    this blog is great, keep up the fabulous work

  2. <3
    every day, when i am upset i come read your blog and i feel better. keep up the great job!
    btw you are amazing

  3. being weird, being different, being special is good, this is how God wanted the world to be... you´re beautiful!

  4. Enjoy the contrast.
    Embrace the contrast.
    Feel the contrast.
    Be the contrast.
    For it is contrast that makes the world wonderful, and gives spring its colors. Don't drown in the emptiness of conformity. Hurt like a sore thumb. Growl like an empty stomach. Smile like the kid who lost his teeth.
