the story of a girl..

this is the story of a girl, named Lucky in a starlight nigh, who tried to let go, of the beautiful boy with the dreamy hazel eyes and the wavy black hair, he swore he would enver fall inlove but he fell inlove with another girl, let's call her Ally, Ally was the kind of girl who every boy fell for, she was sweet, nice innocent, BEAUTIFUL, funny and always had a smile on her pretty face.
Sadly Lucky was nothing like Ally, lucky hid her smile cuz it was weird, she wasn't funny; she was sarcastic, she wasnt beautiful; she was plain, she was sweet; when she wasn't being sarcastic, and she was innocent, but in a different way.
Lucky was very different to the other girls.
Lucky's teacher gave her a worksheet with a very simple question: "who are you?".
Lucky stood up and talked to this boy, a guy named Stephen and Ally, when Stephen left Lucky felt left out since the boy she was fascinated with was drooling over Ally, she left too.
Lucky was sitting in her desk and right there in the worksheet she had written in blue pen: who am I you ask? well I'm a girl with a dream that he'll stop staring at her and really look at me.
Lucky raised her head and saw this boy looking at Ally like she was the last person alive in the Earth, his only hope and reason of living, the only thing he believes in. Then one single teardrop fell down her cheek and the last words she said were:
I am Lucky? no, no,no oh Ally lucky you....

ok so lucky Ally right? but what happened to Lucky is she alrigth? I wish she was but she is not, so if the nameless boy is reading this: give Lucky a chance she is also beautiful in a very different way we are all Lucky at some point but I think this particular Lucky needs him to look at her instead of patting her head and telling her she is a good friend...

"mujer de mi vida....niña de mis ojos....
tengo esperanza en que me des esperanza...
se que nunca fallas"


Hope is feeling sad today... :(

2 comentarios:

  1. I try, and try, and can't seem to figure out who Ally is supposed to be.

  2. well first you need to know who the faceless boy is, and then you need to understand what Lucky and Ally, REALLY mean, then you'll know who she is
