I dont even know....!

got nothing more to give
I gave it all
gave smiles and tears
gave time gave ears to whatever you needed
gave words of whatever you wanted to hear
gave late night talks
gave my heart and soul
you say scream I scream
you smile I smile

I do everything for you
I would do everything you need
I want to know you the way you want to know her
I want to listen to you
and understand your fears and dreams

this is me
I'm as real as it gets when I'm with you
who are you?
what do you lie about?
you confuse me
you scare me

I dont ever know what to say
don't know if I should cry, smile or shout
I've seen your wings
you don't need help to fly
you just need to realize you are flying

damn it I love you, simple as that
and I'll keep loving you
no matter what you do
give up and love me too!

damn!! I dont even know if I should put this :D this :) this c(: this C: this :S this :( uggh I dnt know!!!!!!!

love always.....


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